Lavender and Spice is an online magazine founded in 2020 with a mission of helping our audience reconnect to the way scents enrich the story of our lives. Scent is often ignored in cultures focused on visual and auditory stimulation. Yet, scent has a unique connection to our emotions and memory. Our goal is to weave a tapestry of scent that integrates science, healing, faith, crafting, perfume, and shared food and beverage.

All of our content is only for educational purposes. We do not recommend any treatments for medical conditions. See our terms for more information on the acceptable use of material on this site. Please contact with any questions.

Our magazine is supported through the Amazon Associate program, from which we may receive a commission if readers purchase items from after clicking on an Amazon link on our site. This program does not influence our choice of items to review or include in product guides. However, if an item can be purchased on Amazon as well as other sites, we list the item through Amazon. We include links to a number of other sellers that do not have items for purchase on Amazon. We do not receive any commission from these links. This program allows us to provide our readers with compelling free content without a high level of display ads.